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The REAL Reason Daddy's a Dad

[The Mom Test] The REAL Reason Daddy’s a Dad

As my 4-year-old daughter and I strolled together, she abruptly picked up something from the ground and attempted to put it in her mouth. Swiftly, I intervened, gently taking the object away and instructing her not to do that. Her inquisitive eyes met mine, and she innocently asked, “Why?”

“Because it’s been on the ground, my dear,” I explained patiently. “We don’t know where it has been or what it has touched. It could be dirty and covered in germs that might make you sick.”

At this moment, my daughter gazed at me with pure awe and admiration, her eyes wide with wonder. “Mom,” she exclaimed, “how do you know all these things? You’re so smart!”

Thinking quickly, I smiled and replied, “All moms know these things. It’s part of the Mom Test. You have to pass it, or they won’t let you become a mom.”

We continued our walk in comfortable silence for a few minutes, but I could sense her little mind processing this newfound information. Suddenly, her face lit up with a bright smile, and she exclaimed, “Oh, I get it now! If you don’t pass the test, you have to be the dad instead!”

Chuckling softly, I nodded and said, “Exactly, my dear.”

When you finish laughing, feel free to pass this delightful tale along to a fellow mom – it’s sure to bring a smile to her face!

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